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Hope Mission

  • Council is planning to meet with the principals from Hope Mission at the August council meeting to get to know them personally and chat about our potential partnership.
  • Congregational meeting with Hope Mission (to get to know their mission better) is being scheduled for October.
  • If you hear a rumour out in the community about UBC having already donated their land/building and building plans have been drawn up…it’s just a rumour and we’ve addressed the issue with those concerned.

Financial Update

Fiscal Year As at May 31, 2017

Actual Revenue $22,849.48    Actual Expenses $24,178.17    Net Income -$1,328.69

Consider automated monthly giving or using PushPay to help you stay on top of your giving over the summer months.

Pastoral Update

  • Council has approved Rob dropping to a .8 position to enable him to study and work towards his M.Div. over the next 2 years.
  • Sr. Pastor annual evaluation has been initiated

Council has…

  • Adopted a Job Description for Council along with the various positions on council
  • Sold the Tent, Trailer and Contents to Camp Caroline in exchange for subsidized time at the camp
  • Initiated a committee to study and prepare a plan to increase the seating capacity in the sanctuary

Please feel free to contact your Council Members

  • Heather Plett (
  • Chris Rand (
  • Karl Hoehne (
  • Michael Balon (
  • Ron Murdoch (
  • Megan Stober (